ما هو الجنسنج ؟
الجنسنج عشبة آسيوية ساحرة، شكلت موضوعا أساسيا لأكثر من 1500 كتاب وبحث، وما زال يشغل بال الدارسين والباحثين حتى اليوم، ويطلق عليه المقوي المطلق لما يشتمل عليه من مواد طاقة وعناصر وقائية تساعد على الاستشفاء، وهو مادة جذرية طرية متعددة الفروع، وقد اهتمت به الشعوب عبر التاريخ واستخدمته في العلاج والطاقة منذ آلاف السنين قبل الميلاد وما زال حتى يومنا هذا يلقى الاهتمام الزائد والاستخدام الجيد في علاج مختلف الأمراض.
وعلى عكس الكثير من الأعشاب الصينية التي حازت اهتمام الغربيين مثل الزنجبيل والقرفة فقد ظل الجنسنج غير معروف في أوروبا حتى القرن الثامن عشر وتناقلت سمعته الجيدة كنبات علاجي رائع، ومطيل للعمر، وأدت تلك الادعاءات إلى سخرية الأوروبيين من المبالغات الدعائية للجنسنج، غير أن الأوروبيين الذين خبروا آسيا وسافروا إلى بعض دولها، كانت لهم نظرة تفاؤلية تجاه هذا العشب الجديد الذي بدأ يعبر المحيط الأطلنطي وفي معيته الكثير من التجارب والسمعة القوية التي تبشر بعلاج عشبي قاهر للعديد من الأمراض.
ويعتبر الجنسنج اشهر الأعشاب الصينية دون منازع ويعرفه الصينيون بالوصفة السحرية التي يعتقدون انه يعالج جميع الأمراض.. وهو نبات مغزلي الشكل معروف في الصين واليابان منذ آلاف السنين..والجنسنج وكما ذكرنا أنه وصفة سحرية لدى الصينيين وهذا دليل على فعاليته ، حيث يعتبرونه علاجاً لجميع الأمراض وافضل انواع الجنسنج هو الكوري ثم الصيني ويلي ذلك الامريكي.كما أن رائحة الجذر وطعمه عطريان... وهو جذر طويل غليظ قد يبلغ المتر و قطره من 5 إلى 10 سنتميترات ..
إذ أن كلمة الجنسنج تتكون من كلمتين صينيتين وهما
( jen shen ) : بمعنى جذر الإنسان .
يتكون النبات كغيره من النباتات من ثلاثة أجزاء هي :
*؛،,. الجذر :
وهو الجزء المستخدم في العلاج من النبات ، وهو جذر يتميز بالسمك ذا لون يميل إلى الصفرة
مما يجعله شبيه إلى حد كبير بشكل الجذر . ويشبه جذر العام إلى حد كبير شكل جسم الإنسان .
؛،,. الساق :
ويتراوح طولها ما بين 5- 30 سم حسب عمر النبات .
؛،, الأوراق :
وتتميز أوراق نبات الجنسنج بأن عددها ثابت وهو خمس ورقات ، كما تتميز هذه الأوراق
بصغر حجمها وحروفها المشرشرة .
وللجنسنج فوائد عظيمة ويستخدم فى علاج بعض الامراض وهو يسمى بعشب الطاقة والقوة
الاستخدامات العلاجية للجنسنج
أظهرت الأبحاث الطبية والدراسات العلمية أن الجنسنج آمن ومفيد ومضاد للعديد من الأمراض، حيث ترجع القيمة العلاجية فيه إلى العديد من المركبات التي يحتويها، والتي يطلق عليها في مجملها الجنسنويدات، وهذا العشب تحديدا يحتاج إلى فهم دقيق لأن بعض مكوناته يؤدي إلى تفاعلات ضد ما تقوم به المكونات الأخرى، وهذا جعل العلماء يفردون له دراسات إضافية، ولكن اليوم استطاع العلم أن يقف على الكثير من تفاعلات الجنسنج وآثاره.
انواع واشكال نبات الجنسنج ..
وللجنسنج أنواع عديدة منتشرة في أنحاء متفرقة من العالم ، ولكل منها خصائصها ، ومميزاته .
وفي ما يلي عرض لأهم هذه الأنواع :
1 ) الجنسنج الآسيوي :
وهو النوع الذي ينمو في منطقة شرق آسيا وخاصتهً في الغابات الحارة في الصين وكوريا . وهذا
النوع هو الجنسنج البري الذي ينمو بصورة طبيعية وهو من أفضل الأنواع .
2 ) الجنسنج المنشوري :
وينمو هذا الجنسنج ويتواجد بشكل متوافر بمنشوريا وهو من أفضل أنواع الجنسنج الآسيوي على الإطلاق،
ولهذا كان أكثر أنواع الجنسنج ارتفاعاً في السعر وذلك لقيمته العالية .
3) والجنسنج الامريكى
4) الجنسنج الأحمر الكوري الخالص هو أفضل الأنواع على الاطلاق و يسمى بملك الجنسنج
Asian Ginseng herb witch, formed the central theme of more than 1500 books and research, and still
Concern to scholars and researchers to this day, called fortified because it involves the absolute
Of materials and energy items, and help to preventive treatment, a radical, fresh multi-material
Branches, has cared for people throughout history and used in the treatment and power for thousands
Years BC and still to this day receive the attention and use extra good
Treatment of various diseases.
And unlike a lot of Chinese herbs which have earned the attention of Westerners such as ginger
Cinnamon and ginseng has remained unknown in Europe until the eighteenth century and picked up his reputation
Good therapeutic sofa gorgeous, ductile age, and those allegations have led to the irony of the European
Ginseng propaganda exaggerations, but the Europeans who know Asia and traveled to some
Their countries, they have optimism about the herb began to reflect the new Ocean
In the Atlantic Meith a lot of experience and strong reputation by promising herbal remedy compelling
For many diseases.
*** How is the form of Ginseng ***
Ginseng is a fleshy root, found in Asia and parts of North America. It prefers temperate forests, and many stocks of ginseng are unfortunately at serious risk, due to overharvesting. The herb has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for centuries, and it has become popular in the West as well. Many Asian markets carry ginseng in a number of forms, and it also appears as an additive in some energy drinks and compounds designed to promote energy and mental acuity.
In order to be considered a true ginseng, a plant must be one of 11 species in the Panax genus. The two most commonly harvested species of ginseng are P. schinseng, from Manchuria, and P. quinquefolius, the North American ginseng. The common name “ginseng” is derived from renshen, which means “man-shaped root” in Chinese. The roots of ginseng are deeply forked, and they do indeed resemble little people. Above ground, ginseng has small groups of palmately compound leaves and distinct red berries.
Panax was chosen for the genus in a reference to its widespread use in China for everything from lack of energy to motion sickness, as it means “heal all” in Greek. Ginseng is commonly used as a source of energy, and it does appear to act as a stimulant. It is also believed to have benefits on memory and mental ability, and it has a long historical use as an aphrodisiac. Particularly prurient roots are said to be the most effective for this purpose.
Many people believe that ginseng is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body deal with stress, and research on the herb does seem to confirm this. Other studies on ginseng has been inconclusive. Like many herbs, ginseng comes in a variety of strengths, depending on how it is harvested, handled, and processed. As a result, it is difficult to perform a true scientific study of the roots. It certainly has documented side effects, including difficulty sleeping, headaches, irregular blood pressure, and nosebleeds.
There are a number of ways to take ginseng. Some Asian users simply chew on the slightly sweet, licorice flavored roots. It can also be steeped to make ginseng tea, or ground into a powder for use in capsules. Most typically, the root is available in dried form, rather than fresh, and the leaves are sometimes available as well, although they do not appear to be as potentially beneficial as the root.
*** What is ginseng made of ***
Ginseng is a plant with many different components. It is used in its entirety in the preparation of teas, powders, and capsules. It contains saponins, or soaplike materials, that have been named with various numbers and letters, such as Rg1. Its root is said to have a composition similar to that of a steroid . It contains compounds containing hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen in the proportion C42 H72O14, (Liu et al., 1995).
*** The benefits and importance of Ginseng ***
Ginseng is described as responsible for improving the overall health of the people. As is well known
It adaptogen in the field of scientific research. Adaptogens are those materials that are
Responsible for the body to restore normal conditions of health and those that are also necessary
To help the body to work with no side effects is crucial. Ginseng lowers cholesterol
Existing content in the human body, and prevents the side effects of the critical stress,
Infections, and accumulate the energy required by the body. Diabetes patients can include
Ginseng in the diet because it contains the property to reduce the sugar content in the blood.
Ginseng has a powerful anti-aging properties, it is necessary to increase the mental capacity
And physical health by preventing the presence of depression. There are three types of depression prevented the consumption of
Ginseng. Are depression, depression in adolescence, and bipolar disorder.
Ginseng prevents diseases such as arthritis, cancer, asthma and blockage in the press
In the airways. Ginseng treatment of inactivity, fatigue and keeps the body
Active. It can also treat a cold when consumed in the form of small doses before the start of
Cold. And maintain a strong immune system and is also useful to increase immunity against toxins. Ginseng
Necessary to relax the muscles of the lungs. Ginseng also improves male fertility, and helps
Activating hormones, and increases the number of sperm that lead to an increase in
*** Ginseng skillfully addresses these diseases ***
1. Male fertility and sex drive
o one of the oldest uses of this herb in traditional Chinese medicine is to promote
Sexual performance and fertility in men. While limited studies in humans, has found
A few it had increased sperm count and movement, as well as sexual desire.
Mental and physical performance
control studies were mixed effect of ginseng on the unity of mental performance
And physical. People who use ginseng often report feeling more often
Alert and vigilant. Studies show it can improve concentration and memory and the ability
To do mental arithmetic. Studies in both humans and animals for the observed increase
In endurance, strength and agility. It can also reduce fatigue.
Stress and well-being
o Another traditional use of Ginseng is to reduce tension and promote well-being
Year. Several well designed studies to support this historical use. Observed in the study
Especially in Mexico City conducted a significant improvement in the quality of life measures such as sleep,
And energy, and sexual activity and personal satisfaction.
Cardiovascular and respiratory
o Asian ginseng helps heart health in several ways. It reduces cholesterol
"Bad" and raises "good" cholesterol. Usually, people must with high pressure
Blood to avoid this herb because it can raise the pressure, but found many of the studies that
Suggested that high doses of lowering blood pressure naturally really. Should not complete with this
Herb without consulting your doctor if you suffer from high blood pressure or any kind of disease in
Heart. Studies have found the herb to test patients who suffer from serious problems in
Respiratory chronic conditions such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis treatment tolerable daily
Patients to walk farther and longer, indicating an improvement in respiratory function.
Cancer and Alzheimer's disease
o Asian ginseng has the ability to prevent and treat certain types of
Cancer. Study to monitor different groups of people with time indicates that
Regular use reduces the risk of a variety of cancers, including
Lung, liver, pancreas, stomach and ovary. However, it does not indicate any benefit of cancer in
The bladder, cancer of the breast or cervix. Animal and human studies conclude that it may
Slows down the progress of Alzheimer's and improve memory and behavior. Studies to monitor larger numbers of people
Immunity and the menopause
5 Ginseng enhances immune function that may help in the fight against Alomrr Ad
And infection. May go through menopause, women experience improvement in mood and general feeling of well-being with
The use of the herb
Improve the general situation
Conducted a survey of 500 people about the effect of Ginseng on the general situation, a pain, mood,
The level of their energy, sexuality, sleep quality, self-satisfaction, self-
The results showed Find Ginseng helped to improve the overall situation of these people.
A recent study also showed that ginseng a stimulant to resist stress, study included 232
People between the ages of 25-60 years, and they are those who complain of chronic stress, where
I half tablets do not contain a given treatment while the other half contains a combination
Many vitamins and minerals in addition to 80 mg of Ginseng, and after seven weeks was assessed
All participants approved by stress tests, the study showed that the group
Which dealt with Ginseng was more active than the group that did not eat, and this confirms
Information, which says that Algesnnj resist stress by supporting the adrenal gland.
Improve the immune
Using Ginseng roots helps in strengthening the body's immunity, researchers have found in Chinese
Study on animals that Ginseng raises the number of white blood cells that prey organisms
The precise cause of disease, Ginseng also stimulates the secretion of interferon produced by the compound that
The body to fight viruses, as it improves the functions of the immune system in humans, and this
Means to resist disease and heal faster, and uses the Ginseng in the activation and recovery to help
The ability to work and focus.
Sugar and high pressure
In addition to being nourishing and restorative for the body and adapted Ginseng shown that it helps in the prevention and treatment of many
Diseases, and influence each other.
High blood pressure
If used alone Ginseng treatment for high blood pressure it helps a decline in
Pressure, but if Astkhm to the pharmacological property of low pressure, it does not record the result
Itself. Although some studies have confirmed that ginseng help lower blood pressure, the
There are reports and other research suggests that ginseng does raise blood pressure if the patient
Suffering from hypertension and want to be part of ginseng treatment program, and this requires
Of course, that the patient is in touch with your doctor if you use Ginseng.
With regard to diabetes, studies have shown that Ginseng improves mood, and good
Mental and physical efficiency, and lowers blood sugar, but would prefer not to use
Ginseng along with diabetes, however consult your doctor.
There are many diseases that Ginseng helps to treat or reduce the resistance or
The brunt of Ginseng has become a weapon restriction, resistant to cancer and the syrup soaked roots
According to studies conducted on mice, which is not certain that the results apply
On humans with cancer.
Ginseng also helps in the treatment of emphysema and to improve its functions, also from the anti-
Depression, also works to stimulate sexual desire in men and significantly improves the ability
Some studies have pointed to the ability of Ginseng in the resistance of infertility in men.
Ginseng protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol and other toxic substances, and works
To improve liver function especially in older people with cirrhosis of the liver caused by
Try and also in the treatment of anorexia and lack of sense of taste and smell, and activates the ability of the intestine
The absorption of food, especially in the elderly who suffer from the problems of desire
Eating and digestive problems.
Ginseng use in cosmetics and skin
*** SENT Ginseng Hair ***
Used in the treatment of hair loss and promote the growth of hair follicles and strengthens hair and prevents the fall and used in such ampoules Tdleilk scalp
There are several forms to Ginseng
Ginseng is a green
Ginseng powder
The capsules also Jalatyna of Ginseng
And ampoules for hair and body of Ginseng
There are many types of uses, including Ginseng.
Ginseng Coffee
Ginseng Green Tea
Ginseng and Chinese
Ginseng and the U.S.
And Asian Ginseng
All of these types and brands make what is useful in the treatment of diseases and also make them in cosmetics for hair and body
Thank you
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